If you have $20k+ saved for retirement…

Watch how we’ve helped our customers up to 10x their crypto portfolio

… While Protecting Their Downside

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We Help Investors Up To 10x Their Crypto Portfolios in Just 6 Months

Apply now to join Decentralized Masters

From The Desk Of Tan Gera,
CFA Level 3, Ex-Investment Banker.

Hi, I’m Tan and I’m an ex-Wall Street investment banker & CFA Level III.

My investment research company helps investors up to 10x their crypto portfolios in 6 months.

Now, this is a very big claim. So let me start by showing you some undeniable proof.

Here are two of my crypto wallets with over $2m:

and I’ll show you that it links back straight to our Decentralized Masters instagram profile, to which I’m connected.

Alright, now that I have your attention and you know I'm not BS'ing you, let me expand.

In my first crypto cycle in 2016-2017, I made over a million… and I lost it all. I gave back all my gains to the market.

In my second crypto cycle in 2021, I turned 57k into 1.87m. And that’s a 32x.

And in this cycle… I’m managing well over 8 figures.

Now… a bit more on who I am and why you should probably listen to me.


Hi, I’m Tan Gera and I hold a CFA Level III, which is the gold standard in the field of investment analysis according to Investopedia, often compared to a PhD in finance. 

This is why the most elite portfolio managers in the world all hold a CFA. 

At 23 years of age, I completed all three exams, making me one of the youngest ever to achieve that feat.

I also ranked in the top 5% of all CFA candidates… in the world… twice in a row.

After this video, you can go to the CFA member directory on their website and look up my name: Tanuj Gera.


Now that you’ve seen that I’m not self-proclaimed like other influencers or gurus, back to crypto… 

If you think that the bull run is over, you’re completely wrong.

2025 and the next 6 to 9 months especially are gonna be explosive. 

Last cycle was all retail money, but this time around it’s led by big financial institutions.

How do I know that?

To this day, my best friends and ex-colleagues still work at Wall Street.

Their main focus right now? Crypto. And…. They're telling me everything they’re buying. 

And sorry but… none of what they’re buying can be found on Coinbase, Robinhood or Kraken.

Now, I’ll tell you what exactly they’re buying in a second. 

Look, the bull run hasn't even really started yet.. 

But let me show you first a few people we’ve helped. They’re just like you.

Here’s Jeff, one of our members who has 5x’d his portfolio thanks to our help.

Here’s another one of our members, David.

After we helped him for just 2 weeks… he had already generated $27,000 in almost passive returns.

Or take a look at Bill, he sent us this email saying he achieved this in 21 days.

He made over $932,000 with our strategy.

It doesn’t matter your age…

Or your level of knowledge in crypto… 

Look, I won’t go through every result…

Otherwise, we’d be here for a couple hours.

Now, of course, as a smart investor you understand that these results will slightly vary depending on investment size & risk preference. 

Any professional portfolio manager is required to tell you that. Run away if they don’t.

Keep in mind that I abide by the CFA Institute’s code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct and subsequently so does my team.

Look, at Decentralized Masters, my company, what we do is very simple.

We help investors up to 10x their crypto portfolio through our three-step process.

This is the exact process our members I’ve just shown you have followed. 

1. We will give you access to the Native crypto markets. This will allow you to buy crypto before it gets listed on Main Street exchanges like Coinbase, Robinhood or Kraken.

2. My team of 35 full-time analysts will help you set up your portfolio based on the CFA portfolio management principles. 

My analysts have all been handpicked, rigorously tested and then further trained by me.

I will pair you up one to one directly with one of my analysts. They’ll be one phone call away. 

That way… you will be able to copy paste our team’s most profitable assets.

3. we will protect your downside.

As Warren Buffett said… Rule No 1 of investing: never lose money . Rule No 2: never forget rule No 1.

The portfolio allocations we use are designed to maximize upside, while protecting downside. 

Just getting access to Native markets is not enough.

Trust me, I learned from my own failure in the first crypto cycle, and I want our clients to avoid the same mistakes I made myself back then.

That’s where the 8 years of investment management working on large-scale portfolios come handy.

A little over 3 years ago, I co-founded Decentralized Masters. It has become the largest and most recognized crypto investment research company in the world, serving thousands of investors. 

You may know of our firm because of the work we did over the last few years helping over 3000 investors multiply their capital with crypto.

We warned investors it was time to buy back into crypto in July 22, when everyone else was calling it dead after FTX’s collapse. That recommendation went viral in the hedge fund industry, people were calling me crazy. 

Our members who followed that advice at $15k per Bitcoin - which was the exact bottom -  they’re now sitting on a 6x with Bitcoin hovering around the $100k mark by the time I’m recording this.

To my knowledge, no other firm in the world can match our record of correctly predicting crypto movements.

Not only that, our particularity at Decentralized Masters is that we build very close relationships with our members.

We currently have over 362 5-star reviews on the third party website Trustpilot, and a 4.9 average rating, so if there’s one thing we excel at, it’s 1-to-1 support. 

If you read the reviews carefully and match the names mentioned with the faces of our analysts on our website, it will become very clear to you that our first principle is Customer Obsession.


A word of caution now ⚠️

You should avoid giving your hard earned money and more importantly your trust to some marketer, lawyer or other guru who have no hands-on experience in managing large-scale investment portfolios. 


 Now, why as a CFA professional am I so confident that an up to 10x gain is even possible? 

1. we know what the Institutions and Wall Street are buying on the native crypto markets. 

Most people don't even know that there are two crypto markets, and not knowing this is costing them millions. But you can bet that Wall Street knows.

Let’s take a look at WIF that went viral just recently…

It got listed on the Native crypto market at $0.004 in December 2023 and went straight up to $4.6 in April 2024, that’s a 1150x gain in just 4 months. 

Guess when Coinbase listed it? On November 14th 2024… 8 months later. 

And at what price? At around $4, which is the local peak. From there… it went back down in a straight line to less than $1.

So if you didn’t buy WIF on the Native market, not only did you miss a 1150x, but if you got in after the Coinbase listing you lost money.

Let’s take another look at Sandbox 

It got listed on the Native crypto market at $0.66 in August 2020 and went straight to $7.46 in November 2021, that’s a 113x gain

That’s over a $100,000 in gains for just a $1000 initial investment.

Main Street exchanges like Coinbase listed Sandbox in May 2022 six months after the peak, completely missing out on this 100x

And worse, since then Sandbox just keeps going down.

Another example is Mantra, 

It was a mere 5 cents back on the 25th of December, 2023, when our Senior Analyst first called it to our members. And we’ve talked about it so many times.

Now? It’s worth over 6 dollars. Yes, 6 dollars. $10,000 invested into Mantra would have turned into $1.2million dollars.

That’s over a 120X return. And to this day in 2025, it’s still not listed on Coinbase while most of our community members have been riding the Mantra wave.

Or take a look at Raydium. We’re still in.

It was just 74 cents back on the 14th of December, 2023, when our team called it. 

Now? It’s worth 5 dollars and 20 cents. That’s almost a 7X return

That means if you invested just $10,000 in this asset when we called this… 

…you would have $70,000 now. This is another example of a ‘Native’ crypto asset.

It’s not as good as a 120x like Mantra, though I’ll admit that. 

I’ll give you two more from our investment research and connections.

ONDO Finance. It was just 22 cents back on the 18th January, 2024, when our team called it. I mentioned it again during a live call with our members when it was breaking out back in November.

My friends from Wall Street are all over it. We bought before Blackrock announced their partnership with Ondo.

Now? It’s worth 1 dollar and 32 cents. That’s already 6X return and we’re still in.

Now a last one, here’s SUI… it got listed for $1.4 on the native crypto market in 2023 but it’s still not listed on Main Street market Robinhood. 

Our analysts decided to call it to our members when it was lower than it’s original listing price, at $0.8 explaining it was now a good opportunity. It recently peaked at $5.3 when we took profit for a quick 6x return

Let’s see what happens when Robinhood finally decides to list it.

So it should be clear now: if you don’t have access to Native crypto markets, you simply cannot access the same level of returns that my friends at Wall Street, my members or me have access to.

Only 0.02% of the world population has access to Native crypto markets, while over 200 million people gamble on Main Street crypto markets like Coinbase and Robinhood.

So just by accessing the right crypto market, you’re literally ahead of 99% of crypto investors. You’ll be able to get in for cheap and as a result, you’ll make a lot more money.

Now, let’s do a comparison of how much more money. Let’s take a very recent example that also went viral.

Not all assets go down after a Main Street listing, otherwise their businesses would fail.

However the lion share of the profit is definitely gone already, that’s always the case.

Let’s look at Pepe - for Pepe I will use the market cap for when it got listed on the native crypto markets versus on the main street exchanges… because the price of PEPE is so ridiculously small in the pennies of pennies that I can’t even say it.

So it got listed on the native crypto market at $80m market capitalization in March.

It got listed on Coinbase on 13th of November of 2024, at a market capitalization of $6billion, and it did go up to $12billion, so a clean 2x return in a few days time.

But if you had bought it on the Native markets and sold at the same peak at $12bn, you would have made a 150x return.

So for $10,000 investment, the same asset would have turned into $1.5m instead of just $20,000. That’s 75 times more on the same asset, that you’re leaving on the table.

That's why the first thing we do is give you access to the Native crypto markets.

Then we help you make the most of that by having our investment research team find the most profitable assets early and give you direct access to one-on-one help for implementation.

Now the second factor that we cover again and again with our members on our monthly Live Market Updates, it’s simply the timing.

We’re about to experience what will be the biggest crypto bull run yet, all stars are aligned and here’s why.

You probably already know that crypto operates on 4-year cycles, and this is where we are right now. 

When you zoom out, you’ll see that we’ve been following the same exact pattern every four-year cycle.

It’s the same thing. And funnily enough, the 4-year cycle always line up perfectly with the American presidential elections.

The year that follows them, there has always been a massive bull run. 

2013, bull run.

2017, bull run.

2021, bull run

And now 2025, we’re going into another massive bull run. This is where we are now.

Every new bull run makes the previous bull run seem like it almost never happened, because it’s so small in comparison. 

The reason this pattern keeps repeating over and over again is because of the Bitcoin halving.

The Bitcoin halving cuts the amount of new Bitcoin being created in half every four years, hence the four-year cycles. And less supply equals to more demand.

What is most interesting is that timing the big up & down moves in crypto becomes much easier when you zoom out. They become somewhat predictable.

From the 2013 peak to the 2017 peak, 1477 days.

From 2017 to 2021, 1407 days.

From 2021 to 2025, there’s still around 6 to 9 months to go by the time I’m writing this.

If you're not already positioned with a crypto portfolio that contains young and profitable assets from the native crypto markets…

…you're running out of time.

And you could miss out on what I think will be the biggest bull run yet. 

And here's why I think that:

In the last bull cycle the inflow was strictly from retail money. We call it the dumb money.

But still… that represented three trillion dollars from retail investors ALONE.

But now, institutional & Wall Street money is here. That’s what we call Smart money.

The leader of the most powerful country in the world is now pro-crypto. 

He launched a $TRUMP coin that shot up to $15bn of dollars in value in less than 48h right before his inauguration, making him more money at 78 years of age than ever before in his career. And he was already a billionaire.

But he’s not buying only for himself… He wants to make America the world capital of crypto.

He is so pro-crypto that he announced the formation of a National Digital Asset Reserve, planning to buy an extra 1 million BTC over the next 5 years.

To put that into perspective… that’s $90 BILLION dollars worth of Bitcoin. 

And as the U.S. moves forward with these plans… the impact on adoption and price growth could be monumental.

We’re already seeing this mass adoption take place.

Not just in its price… but in Bitcoin’s market cap too.

Bitcoin has just surpassed silver in market cap, claiming its place as the 7th largest asset globally.

So I think it’s safe to say that Bitcoin and crypto overall are set for government-backed, mass adoption.

And being honest…

It’s not just the US government piling into Crypto…

…it’s also the world’s biggest financial institutions and some of the wealthiest Americans

For example… JP Morgan creating their own crypto, or I can also name Blackrock, Google, PayPal, Tesla, Mark Cuban or even Warren Buffett

…EVEN THOUGH he was previously against crypto.

It seems like the smartest investors all know where the real wealth lies…

And all of these inflows into the market are driving this bull run even further.

Plus, if we look at what the SEC approved earlier this year…

We can see even FURTHER inflows into the crypto market.

The Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs.

No one thought the SEC would approve them, but they did.

And what happened next?

Within the first three days of the Bitcoin ETF launch…

It experienced an inflow of 1 BILLION dollars.

Yup—in just 72 hours.


It’s currently holding assets of over 50 billion dollars.

But why is this so important?

Well, ETFs make it dramatically easier for everyone—from seasoned investors to complete beginners—to buy into crypto. 

And with that ease of access, we’re seeing millions of dollars flowing into the markets daily. 

Imagine what that is going to do to prices. 

And it’s the biggest institutions leading the charge on these ETFs.

Goldman Sachs holding over $400M… 

And Morgan Stanley holding over $200M.

It’s like a dam breaking and all that held-up capital rushing in, driving up prices across the board.

The capital first flows in the obvious plays like Bitcoin, and then… it goes straight into the Native Crypto Markets.

That’s why you need to be positioned before they get in. Prices will keep rising, and eventually they will hit a peak. 

The earlier you get in, the more money you'll make. It's as simple as that.

So you need to prepare now. 

And if you want us to help you prepare for what's about to come…

Then submit your application and book a call with my team.

Because by reading this far it means that you clearly understand the opportunity. 

We’ll audit your current portfolio…

Tell you the next steps to multiplying it in this explosive, 2025 bull run…

And discuss if Decentralized Masters is a good fit for you.

We’re giving you access to certain assets before they reach the masses.

You’re getting a CFA-level-trained crypto investment research team at your personal disposal.

AND you’re getting a personalized, dedicated crypto expert who’s just one text message away.

My only question is…

How much did it already cost you to not have access to the Native markets and work with crypto portfolio management experts?

You can go apply to see if it could be a good idea to work together, otherwise all good, I’m sure you already got massive value from watching this…